Dive into the enchanting world of Arowana fish, the majestic “living dragons” of the aquatic realm. With their vibrant colours and captivating presence, Arowanas have become prized possession for aquarium enthusiasts worldwide. Join us as we unravel the secrets of Arowana fish, from their diverse species and care requirements to their symbolic significance in different cultures.

Table of Contents

Arowana Fish

Arowana fish are captivating and sought-after freshwater species known for their majestic appearance and vibrant colours. Native to South America, Asia, and Australia, they have elongated bodies and prominent scales, earning them the nickname “dragon fish.” With several types to choose from, such as the Asian Arowana, Silver Arowana, and Black Arowana, each species boasts unique characteristics and colour patterns.

Arowana Fish

Providing proper care is essential to ensure the health and well-being of Arowana fish. They require spacious tanks of at least 150 gallons to swim freely, and water quality is crucial. Regularly testing and monitoring pH, ammonia, and nitrate levels help maintain pristine water conditions. A balanced diet is vital, consisting of high-quality pellets, live or frozen foods, and occasional treats like insects or small crustaceans.

Arowanas are solitary and aggressive fish, so choosing tank mates carefully is crucial. Avoid keeping them with smaller, easily intimidated fish. Creating a natural environment with plenty of hiding spots, driftwood, and plants will make them feel at home.

Setting up the perfect Arowana aquarium requires careful planning. A robust filtration system ensures water clarity and effective waste removal. Dimmable LED lights provide subdued lighting, mimicking their natural habitat. The ideal temperature for Arowanas is between 75°F to 82°F (24°C to 28°C), and gentle water circulation is preferred.

Beyond their care requirements, Arowana fish hold fascinating facts. In some Asian cultures, they are symbols of prosperity and good luck. Arowanas are known for their impressive jumping abilities, leaping several feet out of the water to catch prey or escape predators. With proper care, some Arowana species can live up to 20 years or more.

Asian Arowana

The Asian Arowana, also known as the “dragon fish,” is a captivating and sought-after freshwater species native to Southeast Asia. Its striking appearance, with an elongated body, vibrant colours, and prominent scales, has made it a symbol of prosperity and good luck in many Asian cultures. As a result, it holds immense cultural significance and is considered highly auspicious.

Arowana Fish

To ensure the well-being of this majestic fish in aquariums, proper care is essential. Asian Arowanas require spacious tanks, ideally at least 150 gallons, to accommodate their large size and active nature.

Platinum Arowana

The Platinum Arowana is a rare and highly coveted variety, known for its stunning silver-white coloration. This captivating fish stands out with its unique appearance and shimmering scales. As a result of its rarity, it is considered a prized addition to aquarium collections for fish enthusiasts worldwide.

Caring for the Platinum Arowana requires attention to detail. The fish need a spacious tank with a suitable filtration system to maintain water quality. Regular water testing and adjustments help ensure optimal conditions.

Rtg Arowana

The Rtg Arowana, also known as the “Red-Tail Golden,” is revered for its mesmerizing blend of colours. The distinctive red, gold, and green hues make this fish a breathtaking spectacle in any aquarium. Its graceful movements and stunning appearance captivate fish enthusiasts around the world.

Video Credt: Aquarium Hobby

To keep the Rtg Arowana healthy and vibrant, a large tank with stable water parameters is necessary. Regular water changes and filtration help maintain water quality and reduce stress on the fish.

Albino Arowana

The Albino Arowana is a mesmerizing variation of the Asian Arowana, featuring striking white colouration and unique red eyes. Due to its rarity, it’s highly sought-after among fish collectors and enthusiasts.

Keeping an Albino Arowana requires extra care and attention, as they are more sensitive to light and water conditions. Providing a well-shaded area in the tank can help reduce stress. They also need a high-quality diet rich in vitamins and minerals to maintain their health and colouration.

Banjar Red Arowana

The Banjar Red Arowana is native to the Indonesian island of Kalimantan (Borneo) and is renowned for its vibrant red colouration and unique pattern. This captivating fish draws attention with its striking appearance and graceful movements.

Arowana Fish

Creating an environment that closely resembles their natural habitat is crucial for the Banjar Red Arowana’s well-being. A spacious tank with ample hiding spots and decorations mimicking the rivers of Kalimantan will make them feel at home.

Due to their popularity and limited availability, obtaining a Banjar Red Arowana may require careful research and adherence to local regulations.

High Back Arowana

The High Back Arowana is named for its distinctively arched back, giving it a commanding presence in aquariums. This feature adds to its allure, making it a popular choice for fish enthusiasts.

Video Credit: KGTropical

To ensure the High Back Arowana thrives, a spacious tank with suitable decorations and hiding spots is necessary. A well-balanced diet and proper water parameters are also crucial for their overall health and well-being.

High Back Golden Arowana

The High Back Golden Arowana combines the majestic high back with a radiant golden colouration. This stunning fish is a delightful sight in any aquarium, adding a touch of elegance to the underwater world.

Caring for the High Back Golden Arowana requires attention to water quality and a suitable diet. As with other Arowanas, they are carnivorous and require a protein-rich diet for optimal health.

Kalpa Arowana

The Kalpa Arowana is a lesser-known species with striking colours and a distinctive appearance. Originating from the island of Java, Indonesia, this exotic fish captivates fish enthusiasts with its uniqueness.

Creating a suitable environment is vital for the Kalpa Arowana to thrive. Providing a well-maintained tank with proper filtration and water conditions supports their health and longevity.

Pearl Arowana

The Pearl Arowana showcases lustrous scales that shimmer like pearls as it glides gracefully through the water. Their elegant movements and striking appearance make them a captivating addition to aquariums.

To keep the Pearl Arowana happy and healthy, a tank with ample swimming space and hiding spots is necessary. A balanced diet rich in nutrients helps maintain their vibrant colouration and overall well-being.

24k Gold Arowana

As the name implies, the 24k Gold Arowana showcases a resplendent golden hue, resembling the precious metal itself. Its stunning colouration and regal appearance make it a highly sought-after fish.

Arowana Fish

Providing excellent care is essential to maintain the 24k Gold Arowana’s beauty and health. A spacious tank, pristine water conditions, and a nutritious diet are essential for their well-being.

Albino Silver Arowana

The Albino Silver Arowana stands out with its charming silvery appearance and unique albino traits. This delicate beauty requires special attention and care to thrive in a home aquarium.

Creating an environment that reduces stress is crucial for the Albino Silver Arowana. Dim lighting and a peaceful tank with compatible tank mates can help ensure their well-being.

Baby Arowana Fish

Baby Arowana Fish are adorable miniature versions of their majestic adult counterparts. These tiny wonders hold immense potential and can grow into magnificent adults with proper care and nutrition.

Providing them with a suitable tank and a balanced diet is vital for their healthy growth. As they mature, transitioning them to a larger tank ensures they have enough space to thrive.

African Arowana

The African Arowana is a lesser-known species, originating from the rivers and lakes of West Africa. With its unique charm and beauty, it captivates fish enthusiasts seeking something different.

Creating an environment that resembles their native African waters is essential for their well-being. Maintaining stable water parameters and providing a balanced diet supports their overall health and vitality.

Jardini Arowana

The Jardini Arowana, also known as the Australian Arowana, showcases grace and agility as it glides through the water. Its unique appearance and active nature make it a popular choice among fish enthusiasts.

Arowana Fish

To ensure the Jardini Arowana thrives, a spacious tank with ample swimming space is necessary. They require a well-balanced diet to maintain their health and vibrant colouration.

Blue Base Arowana

The Blue Base Arowana is renowned for its unique blue colouration at the base of its scales. This striking feature sets it apart from other Arowana varieties, making it a fascinating addition to aquariums.

Creating an environment that highlights their blue hues is essential for the Blue Base Arowana. Providing appropriate tank decorations and lighting allows their striking colours to shine.

Red Tail Arowana

The Red Tail Arowana is known for its energetic demeanour and distinctive red tail, making it an engaging sight in aquariums. Their lively behaviour and vibrant appearance make them a popular choice for fish enthusiasts.

Arowana Fish

To keep the Red Tail Arowana thriving, a spacious tank with appropriate decorations and hiding spots is necessary. A well-balanced diet and excellent water quality are essential for their overall health.

Arowana Fish Feng Shui

In Feng Shui, Arowana fish are believed to bring prosperity and good luck to their owners. Placing them in specific areas of the home or office is thought to attract positive energy and success.

In addition to being captivating aquarium inhabitants, Arowana fish hold symbolic importance in Feng Shui practices. This belief has led to an increase in their popularity among Feng Shui practitioners and fish enthusiasts alike.

Golden Crossback Arowana

The Golden Crossback Arowana boasts a shimmering gold colouration along its back, captivating admirers with its beauty. As one of the prized varieties of Arowanas, it is a treasure for fish collectors.

To ensure the Golden Crossback Arowana’s health and vibrancy, a spacious tank with excellent filtration is necessary. Providing a varied and nutritious diet supports their stunning colouration and overall well-being

Types Of Arowana

Arowanas are renowned for their majestic presence and vibrant colours, making them some of the most sought-after freshwater fish in the aquarium hobby. Let’s explore the various types of Arowanas, each with its unique charm and characteristics.

Arowana Fish

Silver Arowana

The Silver Arowana is one of the most iconic and popular varieties. With its silver scales and sleek appearance, it glides gracefully through the water, captivating onlookers.

Golden Arowana

The Golden Arowana is prized for its stunning golden colouration, resembling a shimmering nugget of gold. Its regal appearance makes it a highly coveted addition to aquarium collections.

Red Arowana

The Red Arowana boasts vibrant shades of red, exuding a fiery allure. Its striking colouration and stately movements make it a favourite among fish enthusiasts.

Black Arowana

The Black Arowana showcases a rare and sophisticated beauty with its jet-black colouration. Its dark and mysterious charm sets it apart from other Arowana varieties.

Green Arowana

The Green Arowana exhibits a delightful blend of green hues, reminiscent of the lush forests it calls home. This natural beauty captures the essence of the wild.

Chili Red Arowana

The Chili Red Arowana mesmerizes with its intense and vibrant red colouration. Its radiant appearance adds a burst of energy to any aquarium setting.

Red Tail Golden Arowana

The Red Tail Golden Arowana blends the elegance of the Red Arowana with the radiant gold of the Golden Arowana. This captivating fusion makes it a highly prized variety.

Blue Arowana

The Blue Arowana enchants with its unique and striking blue colouration. Its distinctive beauty is a rare sight that leaves a lasting impression.

Golden Pearl Arowana

The Golden Pearl Arowana is named for its pearly scales and golden luster, resembling a treasure among fish species. Its allure lies in its opalescent beauty.

Super Red Arowana

The Super Red Arowana boasts an intense and captivating red hue, drawing attention with its radiant presence. This stunning variety commands admiration from all who behold it.

History of Arowana Fish

The history of Arowana fish is deeply intertwined with ancient cultures and myths. Native to South America, Asia, and Australia, Arowanas have captured the imagination of people for centuries. In Asian folklore, they are revered as symbols of prosperity and good luck. These magnificent fish have also been associated with emperors and are considered a status symbol in some societies.

Appearance of Arowana Fish

Arowana fish are undeniably captivating in appearance. They possess elongated bodies with large, bony scales and striking colours that vary depending on the species. The metallic sheen on their scales adds to their regal allure, reflecting light like precious metals. Their sharp fins and streamlined shape enable them to glide effortlessly through the water, exuding grace and power.

Arowana Fish

Temperament of Arowana Fish

Arowana fish are known for their solitary nature. In the wild, they prefer to live alone or in small groups, and this trait carries over to captivity. They exhibit a proud and confident demeanour, making them impressive inhabitants of home aquariums.

Behaviour of Arowana Fish

Arowanas are graceful swimmers, moving elegantly through the water with their elongated bodies. They are skilled jumpers and have been known to leap several feet out of the water to catch insects and other prey. In aquariums, Arowanas appreciate a well-decorated tank with hiding spots and plants to explore and claim as their territory. Observing their behaviours is a delight for fish enthusiasts, as they display curiosity and intelligence in their interactions with the environment.

Full Grown Silver Arowana

When fully grown, the Silver Arowana is an aquatic giant that commands attention. It can reach lengths of up to three feet, making it one of the largest freshwater fish species. Its majestic appearance, coupled with its large size, demands a spacious tank to accommodate its active nature.

Arowana Fish Price

In the United States, Arowanas can range from $50 to several thousand dollars, with rare and premium varieties commanding higher prices. In India, Arowana fish prices typically start from around INR 5,000 and can go up to INR 1,00,000 or more for premium specimens.

Arowana Fish Price In India

The price of Arowanas in India depends on factors such as the fish’s size, colouration, and overall health. On average, you can expect to pay anywhere from INR 5,000 to INR 50,000.

Baby Arowana Fish Price

Baby Arowana fish, being smaller and younger, are generally more affordable than their adult counterparts. These tiny wonders often come with a price tag ranging from INR 2,000 to INR 20,000.

Baby Arowana Fish Price In India

In India, the price of baby Arowana fish can range from INR 2,000 to INR 15,000, making them a popular choice for aspiring Arowana keepers. As they grow and mature, their colours develop, revealing their unique beauty.

Arowana Fish Price In Usa

The price of Arowana fish in the USA starts from around $200 for young fish and can reach thousands of dollars for rare and high-quality specimens.

Baby Arowana Fish Price In Malaysia

Being native to Southeast Asia, Arowana fish are relatively more affordable in Malaysia. The price of baby Arowana fish in Malaysia typically ranges from MYR 300 to MYR 2,000, depending on the variety and size.

Arowana Fish Price List (Major Indian Cities)

In major Indian cities like Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Bangalore, and Hyderabad, the price of Arowana fish can vary due to local demand and availability. Generally, you can expect to find a variety of Arowanas with prices ranging from INR 5,000 to INR 50,000 or more, depending on the city and the quality of the fish.

Arowana Fish Price In Kerala

In the picturesque state of Kerala, Arowana fish are prized possessions among fish keepers. The price of Arowanas in Kerala ranges from INR 10,000 to INR 50,000, depending on the fish’s size and colouration.

Baby Arowana Fish Price In Kerala

For Arowana enthusiasts in Kerala, owning a baby Arowana is a delightful experience. The price of baby Arowana fish in Kerala starts from around INR 5,000 and can go up to INR 30,000.

Arowana Fish Price In Mumbai

As a bustling metropolis, Mumbai offers a diverse range of Arowana fish at varying prices. The price of Arowanas in Mumbai starts from around INR 7,000 and can go up to INR 60,000.

Arowana Fish Price Chennai

In Chennai, known as the Arowana capital of India, these majestic fish are in high demand. The price of Arowanas in Chennai starts from around INR 5,000 and can go up to INR 50,000.

Baby Arowana Fish Price In Chennai

For fish enthusiasts looking to start with baby Arowana fish in Chennai, the price ranges from INR 3,000 to INR 25,000, depending on the variety and age of the fish.

Arowana Fish Price In Kolkata

In the city of joy, Kolkata, Arowana fish are valued for their regal beauty. The price of Arowanas in Kolkata typically ranges from INR 8,000 to INR 60,000, depending on the fish’s quality and size.

Arowana Fish Price In Bangalore

In the tech-savvy city of Bangalore, Arowana fish are popular among aquarium enthusiasts. The price of Arowanas in Bangalore starts from around INR 5,000 and can go up to INR 50,000.

Baby Arowana Fish Price In Bangalore

In Bangalore, starting with baby Arowana fish is an affordable and rewarding option. The price of baby Arowana fish in Bangalore ranges from INR 3,000 to INR 25,000, depending on the variety and age of the fish.

Arowana Fish Price In Hyderabad

In Hyderabad, the pearl of the south, Arowana fish are cherished for their beauty. The price of Arowanas in Hyderabad ranges from INR 6,000 to INR 50,000, depending on the fish’s quality and rarity.

Arowana Types Price

The price of Arowana types varies depending on the specific variety, size, and quality of the fish. Different Arowana types, such as Golden Arowana, Silver Arowana, Red Arowana, and Asian Arowana, have their own unique allure, which influences their cost. On average, prices can range from approximately $50 to several thousand dollars for premium and rare specimens.

Golden Arowana Fish Price

Golden Arowanas are among the most sought-after varieties, prized for their radiant golden colouration. The price of Golden Arowana fish varies from region to region, costing around INR 10,000 to INR 80,000.

Golden Arowana Price In India

In India, Golden Arowanas are considered a prized possession for aquarium enthusiasts. The price of Golden Arowana fish in India ranges from INR 15,000 to INR 1,00,000.

Silver Arowana Price

Silver Arowanas, with their metallic sheen and sleek appearance, are a classic favourite among fish keepers. The price of Silver Arowana fish starts from around INR 8,000 and can go up to INR 60,000.

Silver Arowana Price In India

In India, Silver Arowanas are popular choices for aquarium enthusiasts. The price of Silver Arowana fish in India ranges from INR 12,000 to INR 70,000, depending on the fish’s quality and size.

Asian Arowana Price

The price of Asian Arowana fish varies based on their colour variants and quality, ranging from INR 50,000 to INR 10,00,000 or more for premium specimens.

Platinum Arowana Price In India

The Platinum Arowana, with its stunning silver-white colouration, is a rare and prized addition to aquariums. The price of Platinum Arowana fish in India starts from around INR 50,000 and can go up to INR 5,00,000.

24k Golden Arowana Price In India

The 24k Golden Arowana, with its resplendent golden colouration, is a true luxury among fish enthusiasts. The price of 24k Golden Arowana fish in India ranges from INR 1,00,000 to several lakhs, depending on its size and unique features.

Asian Arowana Price In India

The price of Asian Arowana in India can vary depending on factors such as the colour variant, size, and quality of the fish. On average, the cost of an Asian Arowana in India ranges from approximately ₹50,000 to ₹10,00,000.

Red Arowana Fish Price

Red Arowanas, with their vibrant shades of red, exude a fiery allure. The price of Red Arowana fish starts from around INR 20,000 and can go up to INR 1,00,000, depending on the fish’s size and quality.

Red Arowana Price In India

In India, Red Arowanas are highly sought-after for their striking beauty. The price of Red Arowana fish in India ranges from INR 30,000 to INR 1,50,000, depending on the fish’s quality and size.

Black Arowana Price

The Black Arowana, with its jet-black colouration, exudes elegance and mystery. The price of Black Arowana fish starts from around INR 25,000 and can go up to INR 2,00,000, depending on the fish’s size and rarity.

Albino Arowana Price

The Albino Arowana, with its striking white colouration and red eyes, is a rare and coveted variety. The price of Albino Arowana fish varies significantly, starting from around INR 1,00,000 and going up to several lakhs.

Arowana Aquarium Fish Price

The price of Arowana aquarium fish in INR (Indian Rupees) can range from approximately ₹15,000 to ₹5,00,000, depending on various factors such as the species, size, and colouration.

Green Arowana Price

The Green Arowana showcases a delightful blend of green hues, reminiscent of the lush forests it calls home. The price of Green Arowana fish starts from around INR 15,000 and can go up to INR 1,00,000.

Banjar Red Arowana Fish Price

The Banjar Red Arowana, native to the Indonesian island of Kalimantan, is renowned for its vibrant red colour and unique pattern. The price of Banjar Red Arowana fish starts from around INR 30,000 and can go up to INR 1,50,000.

Facts about Arowana Fish

Interesting facts about Arowana fish:

  1. Ancient Species: Arowana fish are ancient creatures with a history dating back over 150 million years. They are often referred to as “living fossils” due to their remarkable longevity.
  2. Bony Tongue: A unique feature of Arowanas is their bony tongue, which is used to capture and crush prey. This characteristic sets them apart from most other fish species.
  3. Surface Feeders: Arowanas are surface feeders, meaning they primarily hunt for food near the water’s surface. They have a keen eye for insects, small fish, and other aquatic creatures that venture near the top of the water.
  4. Jumping Abilities: Arowanas are excellent jumpers and can leap several feet out of the water to catch prey or escape potential threats. In their natural habitats, they often leap from one body of water to another during the rainy season.
  5. Mouthbrooders: Some species of Arowana, such as the Silver Arowana, are mouthbrooders. The males carry and protect the eggs in their mouths until the fry are ready to swim on their own.
  6. Superstitions and Feng Shui: In some Asian cultures, Arowana fish are considered symbols of prosperity, luck, and good fortune. They are highly valued and believed to bring wealth and success to their owners.
  7. Unique Scales: Arowanas have large, metallic scales that reflect light like precious metals. Their scales can come in various colors, including silver, gold, red, and green, adding to their regal appearance.
  8. Long Lifespan: With proper care, Arowana fish can live for several decades. Some individuals have been known to live up to 20-30 years in captivity.
  9. Territorial Nature: Arowanas are territorial and can be aggressive towards other fish, especially if they feel their territory is being invaded. It is essential to provide them with enough space and carefully select tank mates to avoid conflicts.
  10. Conservation Concerns: Several species of Arowana are listed as endangered due to habitat loss and overfishing. As a result, trade and ownership of certain Arowana species are heavily regulated to protect their populations.
Arowana Fish

Pros and Cons of Arowana Fish

Some Common pros and cons of Arowana fish:

Pros of Arowana FishCons of Arowana Fish
Majestic AppearanceHigh Initial Cost
Vibrant ColorsLarge Tank Requirement
Long LifespanAggressive Behavior
Unique BehaviorJumping Tendency
Symbol of ProsperitySpecialized Care
Fascinating HistoryConservation Concerns
Feng Shui SymbolismRestricted Trade
Fascinating FeedingRequire High-Quality Diet
Low Disease SusceptibilitySensitivity to Water Quality
Low Reproductive RateImport/Export Regulations

Care Tips for Arowana Fish

Care Tips for Arowana Fish: Ensuring Their Well-being

  1. Tank Size and Setup: Arowana fish are active swimmers and require a spacious tank. Provide a tank that is at least three times the length of the fully grown fish. Ensure the tank has secure lids as Arowanas are skilled jumpers.
  2. Water Quality: Maintain clean and well-filtered water. Regularly test water parameters and perform partial water changes to keep ammonia and nitrite levels low. Arowanas prefer slightly acidic to neutral pH levels and soft water.
  3. Diet and Feeding: Offer a varied diet that includes live and frozen foods. Arowanas are carnivorous and enjoy insects, crustaceans, small fish, and pellets. Feed them small portions multiple times a day, as they have high metabolisms.
  4. Tank Mates: Arowanas can be territorial and aggressive, especially during feeding time. Carefully choose tank mates that are compatible and won’t stress or harm the Arowana.
  5. Tank Decorations: Provide hiding spots and ample open swimming space. Use driftwood, rocks, and live plants to create a natural environment that mimics their native habitats.
  6. Water Temperature: Keep the water temperature between 24-30°C (75-86°F), depending on the species. Use a reliable heater to maintain a stable temperature.
  7. Regular Observations: Monitor Arowana’s behaviour and appearance daily. Look for signs of stress, illness, or abnormal behaviour, such as loss of appetite, colour changes, or erratic swimming.
  8. Aquarium Maintenance: Perform regular tank maintenance, including cleaning filters, removing uneaten food, and siphoning debris from the substrate. Maintain optimal water quality to promote good health.

Arowana Fish Benefits

Arowana Fish Benefits: Captivating and Prosperous

  1. Majestic Appearance: Arowanas have striking colours, elongated bodies, and large scales, making them captivating additions to home aquariums.
  2. Cultural Significance: In some cultures, Arowana fish are considered symbols of good luck, prosperity, and wealth, making them prized possessions.
  3. Positive Feng Shui: Arowanas are believed to bring positive energy and luck when placed in specific areas of the home or workplace according to Feng Shui principles.
  4. Relaxing Presence: Watching Arowanas glide gracefully through the water can have a calming effect and reduce stress and anxiety.
  5. Long Lifespan: With proper care, Arowana fish can live for several decades, providing companionship and joy for many years.

Benefits Of Keeping Arowana Fish At Home

Benefits Of Keeping Arowana Fish At Home: Awe-inspiring Presence:

  1. Aesthetically Pleasing: Arowanas’ majestic beauty and unique behaviour create an awe-inspiring presence in the aquarium, becoming a focal point of admiration.
  2. Educational Experience: Keeping Arowanas allows enthusiasts to learn about their natural behaviours and specific care requirements, promoting an understanding of aquatic ecosystems.
  3. Personal Satisfaction: Successfully caring for Arowana fish can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience, bringing joy and a sense of accomplishment.
  4. Connection with Nature: Owning Arowanas allows individuals to connect with nature, fostering a deeper appreciation for aquatic life and conservation efforts.
  5. Fascinating Behavior: Observing Arowanas hunt for food and interact with their environment provides endless fascination and entertainment.
  6. Conversation Starter: Arowanas can spark interesting conversations with guests and fellow aquarium enthusiasts, sharing knowledge and experiences.
  7. Family Bonding: Caring for Arowanas can be a shared activity, promoting family bonding and responsibility.

Arowana Fish Lucky

In many Asian cultures, Arowana fish are believed to bring good luck and prosperity. They are often associated with wealth and success, making them highly prized as Feng Shui symbols. Placing Arowanas in specific areas of the home or office is thought to attract positive energy and abundance, further enhancing their reputation as lucky fish.

Arowana Vastu Fish

In Vastu Shastra, the ancient Indian science of architecture, Arowana fish is considered highly auspicious. Keeping them in the home or workplace is believed to attract positive energy and prosperity. The placement and care of the Arowana play a significant role in harnessing their Vastu benefits.

Health Issues of Arowana Fish

While Arowanas are hardy fish, they can still experience health issues if not properly cared for. Common health problems may include fungal or bacterial infections, parasites, and swim bladder issues. Regularly observe their behaviour and appearance to detect any signs of distress. Providing a clean and suitable environment, along with a balanced diet, helps prevent health problems and ensures their well-being.

Arowana Size

Arowana fish can grow to impressive sizes, depending on the species. Some varieties can reach lengths of up to three feet or even more in captivity. Before owning an Arowana, consider its potential adult size to ensure you can provide them with a spacious and comfortable living environment.

Arowana Fish Lifespan

With proper care, Arowana fish can live for several decades. Some species have been known to live up to 20-30 years in captivity. Investing time and effort into their care ensures that they can thrive and bring joy for many years.

Silver Arowana Lifespan

Silver Arowanas, a popular variety, have an impressive lifespan in captivity. When provided with proper care, they can live for up to 15-20 years or more. Ensuring their well-being and suitable living conditions contribute to their long and healthy life.

Arowana Feeding Time

Arowanas are carnivorous and active hunters, primarily feeding near the water’s surface. Offer them a varied diet of live or frozen foods such as insects, small fish, and crustaceans. Feed them once or twice a day, and avoid overfeeding to maintain their health and prevent water quality issues in the aquarium.

Arowana Fish Food

Best Food for Arowana Fish:

Food TypeDescription
Live FoodInsects, Crustaceans, Worms, Small Fish
Frozen FoodBloodworms, Brine Shrimp, Mysis Shrimp
Pellet and FlakesHigh-Quality Arowana Pellets and Flakes
Freeze-Dried FoodTubifex Worms, Krill, Shrimp
Homemade FoodNutritious Blends of Fish and Vegetable Mixtures

Arowana Food For Fast Growth

Arowana Food For Fast Growth:

Food TypeDescription
High-Protein DietProtein-Rich Live or Frozen Foods
Nutrient SupplementsVitamin and Mineral Supplements
Frequent FeedingsMultiple Feedings a Day for Young Arowanas
Fresh and Natural FoodsLive Foods Cultivated at Home, like Daphnia
Regular Water ChangesMaintaining Clean Water for Optimal Growth

Names for Arowana Fish

Suitable Names for Arowana Fish:

Common NamesScientific Names
Silver ArowanaOsteoglossum bicirrhosum
Golden ArowanaScleropages formosus
Red ArowanaScleropages aureus
Black ArowanaOsteoglossum ferreirai
Asian ArowanaScleropages legendrei
Jardini ArowanaScleropages jardinii
Green ArowanaOsteoglossum ferreirai (Green Variant)
Albino ArowanaOsteoglossum bicirrhosum (Albino)
Platinum ArowanaHybrid (Crossbreed of various species)
Super Red ArowanaHybrid (Crossbreed of various species)

Arowana Fish Video

Video Credit: Mayur Dev – Aquascaper


In conclusion, Arowana fish are remarkable and captivating creatures that require diligent care to thrive. Providing them with a suitable environment, a balanced diet, and regular observation ensures their well-being and longevity. Their majestic appearance, cultural significance, and positive impact on the home aquarium make them highly prized and cherished additions to the lives of aquarium enthusiasts. Whether for their symbolic value or the joy they bring, Arowanas continue to fascinate and inspire awe in those who have the privilege of caring for them.

Frequently Asked Questions on Arowana Fish:

  1. What is an Arowana Fish?

    Arowana fish, also known as “dragon fish” or “bonytongues,” are a family of freshwater fish known for their majestic appearance and vibrant colours. They are native to South America, Asia, Australia, and Africa.

  2. How big do Arowana Fish grow?

    The size of Arowana fish varies depending on the species and environmental conditions. On average, they can grow between 2 to 3 feet in length. Some larger species can even reach up to 4 feet in captivity.

  3. What do Arowana Fish eat?

    Arowana fish are carnivorous and primarily feed on live or frozen foods. Their diet consists of insects, crustaceans, small fish, and high-quality Arowana pellets or flakes. It is essential to offer them a varied diet to meet their nutritional needs and promote their vibrant colours.

  4. How long do Arowana Fish live?

    With proper care, Arowana fish can live for several decades. Some species have been known to live up to 20-30 years in captivity. Maintaining clean water, providing suitable tank conditions, and a balanced diet contribute to their long and healthy lifespan.

  5. Can Arowana Fish jump out of the tank?

    Yes, Arowana fish are skilled jumpers and can leap several feet out of the water. It is crucial to have a securely fitted lid or cover for the aquarium to prevent them from escaping.

  6. Are Arowana Fish Aggressive?

    Arowana fish can be territorial and aggressive, especially during feeding time. They may exhibit aggressive behaviour towards other fish, particularly if they feel their territory is threatened.

  7. How to set up an aquarium for Arowana Fish?

    Setting up an aquarium for Arowana fish requires careful consideration. They need a spacious tank with a length of at least three times their full-grown size. Provide hiding spots, driftwood, rocks, and live plants to create a natural environment.

  8. What are the different types of Arowana Fish?

    There are several types of Arowana fish, each with its unique characteristics. Some popular varieties include Silver Arowana, Golden Arowana, Red Arowana, Black Arowana, Asian Arowana, Jardini Arowana, and Albino Arowana.

  9. Can Arowana Fish be kept with other fish?

    While Arowanas can coexist with other fish, they are best kept with non-aggressive tank mates. Avoid housing them with small fish that may be seen as prey. Choosing suitable tank mates and providing enough space and hiding spots can promote a harmonious community tank.

  10. Are Arowana Fish suitable for beginners?

    Arowana fish are not recommended for beginners due to their specific care requirements and potential aggression. Keeping Arowanas requires experience in maintaining water quality, providing adequate space, and offering a varied and nutritious diet.

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