Do you want to know how much parrots cost in India? Look nowhere else! In this article, we will examine the parrot market in India right now and provide you with useful information on how much these lovely birds cost. We will look at the variables influencing parrot pricing in India across popular species like the Indian Ringneck Parrot and more exotic species like the African Grey Parrot. Get everything you need to know about parrot prices in India by continuing to read.

Parrot Price In India

Parrot prices in India vary depending on the species and factors such as age, colour, and rarity. The most popular species, such as Indian Ringneck Parrots, can cost between Rs. 3,000 to Rs. 15,000. Rarer and exotic species like the African Grey Parrot can cost anywhere between Rs. 75,000 to Rs. 2,50,000.

Indian Talking Parrot Price

The price of an Indian talking parrot can vary based on factors such as age, training, and the specific species of parrot. On average, the price of an Indian talking parrot can range from ₹5,000 to ₹50,000 or more.

Green Parrot Price

The price of a green parrot in India can vary widely depending on various factors. On average, a green parrot can range in price from around ₹5,000 to ₹50,000 or more. maintenance for the parrot. The price of a green parrot in America is cost On average, from $100 to $1,000 or more.

Yellow Parrot Price

The price of a yellow parrot can vary depending on the specific species, age, and availability. On average, the price of a yellow parrot can range from ₹10,000 to ₹50,000 or more. Factors such as the parrot’s health, colour variation, and breeder’s reputation can also influence the price.

White Parrot Price in India

The price of a white parrot in India can vary depending on the specific species, age, and availability. On average, the price of a white parrot can range from ₹5,000 to ₹50,000 or more.

Macaw Parrot Price in India

The price of a macaw parrot in India can vary significantly based on factors such as the species, age, and color variation. On average, the price of a macaw parrot in India can range from ₹30,000 to ₹80,000 or more.

Baby Macaw Parrot Price in India

The price of a baby macaw parrot in India can vary depending on the specific species, age, and colour variation. On average, the price of a baby macaw parrot in India can range from ₹10,000 to ₹60,000 or more.

African Grey Parrot Price in India 

The price of an African grey parrot in India can vary depending on factors such as age, colour variation, and availability. On average, an African grey parrot in India can range in price from ₹40,000 to ₹1,00,000 or more.

Indian Ringneck Parrot Price

The price of an Indian Ringneck parrot in India can vary depending on factors such as age, colour variation, and availability. On average, the price of an Indian Ringneck parrot can range from ₹5,000 to ₹20,000 or more.

Cockatiel Parrot Price

The price of a Cockatiel parrot can vary depending on factors such as age, colour mutation, and availability. On average, the price of a Cockatiel parrot can range from ₹2,000 to ₹10,000 or more. However, certain colour mutations or rare variations may command higher prices.

Alexander Parrot Price

The price of an Alexandrine parrot can vary depending on factors such as age, colour mutation, and availability. On average, the price of an Alexandrine parrot can range from ₹15,000 to ₹50,000 or more.

Parrot Price in Delhi

The price of a parrot in Delhi can vary depending on the species, age, and availability. On average, the price of a parrot in Delhi can range from ₹2,000 to ₹50,000 or more. However, it’s important to note that different species of parrots have different price ranges.

Baby Parrot Price In India

The price of baby parrots in India varies based on the species and age of the bird. Generally, baby parrots are more expensive than adult parrots because they require more care and attention. The most popular species of baby parrots, like Indian Ringneck Parrots, can cost between Rs. 5,000 to Rs. 15,000. Rarer and exotic species, such as Macaws, can cost anywhere between Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 5,00,000.

Ringneck Parrot Price In India, Parrot Price In India

Parrot Prices In Major Indian Cities

Parrot prices in major Indian cities can vary depending on the demand, supply, and availability of the birds. Here’s a general idea of the prices for some of the most popular parrot species in major Indian cities:

Parrot Price List India
Different LocationsPrices-
Parrot Price in Delhi₹3,000 to ₹15,000
Parrot Price in Kolkata4,000 to ₹18,000
Parrot Price in Mumbai₹6,000 to ₹20,000
Parrot Price in Agra₹3,500 to ₹18,000
Parrot Price in Chennai₹4,000 to ₹15,000
Parrot Price in Pune₹3,800 to ₹15,000
Parrot Price in Bangalore₹4,000 to ₹18,000
Parrot Prices in Hyderabad₹5,000 to ₹20,000
Parrot Price in Chandigarh₹4,500 to ₹16,000
Parrot Price in Kerala₹4,000 to ₹18,000
Parrot Price In India Different Locations

Factors that Affect the price of Parrot

A number of factors can affect a parrot’s price. The price might vary depending on the breed, age, colour, rarity, and gender of the bird. The price of rarer species and those with distinctive colour variations is frequently higher. Younger birds often cost more than older ones because they need more care and attention. Because living expenses and the availability of the bird might differ by region, the seller’s location can also have an influence on the price. Ultimately, it’s crucial to conduct thorough research and take into account all of these considerations before making a purchase.

African Grey Parrot Price In India

Parrot price comparison:

It’s important to compare rates from several vendors when looking to get a parrot to make sure you’re getting a reasonable bargain. In order to compare pricing, you might utilise internet markets or neighbourhood pet stores. The best value isn’t necessarily represented by the lowest price, it’s crucial to keep in mind. Before buying a bird, be sure to take into account its age, health, and maintenance needs.

How to negotiate the price of Parrot:

Even though negotiating over a parrot’s price might be difficult, it is feasible with little planning and study. Find out the going rate for the breed and age of the particular bird you’re interested in. You can also bargain by proposing to buy several birds or by buying the seller’s extras and food. Respect the seller’s time and effort, but keep in mind that the quality of the bird should come first.

Video Credit: Five’s A Flock with Coro

The true cost of owning a Parrot:

A parrot requires a big effort and has a lot of expenses. You’ll also need to spend money on a cage, food, toys, and veterinarian services in addition to the original purchase cost. Parrots also demand a lot of care and socialising, so you’ll need to commit time and effort to ensure they’re healthy and happy. It’s crucial to take into account each of these aspects and make sure you’re ready emotionally and financially before adding a parrot into your household.

About Parrot

Parrots are a diverse group of birds distinguished for their colourful feathers, intelligent behaviour, and ability to mimic sounds and words. Almost 350 kinds of parrots exist, ranging in size from little parakeets to huge Macaws. Parrots are found around the world in tropical and subtropical locations, including South America, Africa, and Australia.

Ringneck Parrot Price In India

Mostly because their gregarious and caring nature, parrots are popular pets, but they demand a great amount of care and attention. They require a large cage, a nutritious diet of fresh fruits and vegetables, and regular mental and physical stimulation. Regular veterinary check-ups and specialised treatment from a skilled avian veterinarian are also necessary for parrots.

Baby Parrot

Little birds that have just hatched from their eggs are called baby parrots or chicks. Newborn parrots need a lot of care and attention since they are totally reliant on their parents or carers for food, warmth, and safety.

Due to their charming looks and capacity to develop close relationships with their owners, newborn parrots are a favourite among pet owners. It takes a lot of time and work to raise a newborn parrot, though. Newborn parrots require a warm, cosy setting, consistent feedings of a special baby parrot formula, and lots of socialising and engagement.

Types of Parrots

There are over 350 different species of parrots, each with its unique characteristics and appearances. Here are some of the most popular types of parrots:

1. Cockatoos:

Cockatoos are native to Australia and the surrounding islands. They are known for their distinctive crests and their social and affectionate personalities.

2. Amazon Parrots:

Amazon Parrots are native to Central and South America. They are known for their playful and intelligent behaviour and their ability to mimic sounds and words.

3. African Grey Parrots:

African Grey Parrots are native to the rainforests of West and Central Africa. They are highly intelligent and known for their ability to mimic human speech and sounds.

African Grey Parrot Price In India

4. Conures:

Conures are small to medium-sized parrots native to Central and South America. They are known for their playful personalities and their wide range of colors and patterns.

5. Lovebirds:

Lovebirds are small parrots native to Africa. They are known for their strong pair bonds and their affectionate personalities.

6. Budgerigars (Budgies):

Budgies are small parrots native to Australia. They are popular as pets due to their small size, colorful feathers, and ability to learn to mimic sounds and words.

7. Macaw Parrot

With their colourful feathers and huge size, macaw parrots are among the most beautiful and colourful parrots. These are highly intelligent and gregarious birds that are native to Central and South America. For knowledgeable bird keepers, macaws, who are noted for having powerful beaks, may make wonderful companions. Before introducing a macaw into your house, do your homework since they need a lot of care, a lot of room, and specific food.

Macaw price in India BesttoPets

8. Alexandrine Parrot

Popular species of parrot native to Southeast Asia and the Indian subcontinent is the Alexandrine parrot. Their striking green feathers, crimson beaks, and amusing personalities are what set them apart. As they can mimic sounds and sentences and are very clever, alexandrine parrots are favoured as pets. For them to thrive, a large cage, balanced food, and lots of sociabilities are essential.

9. Green Parrot

Green parrots are a diversified group of parrots found in many places of the world. Their vivid green feathers, fun attitudes, and intellect set them apart. Green parrots may make excellent companions for experienced bird keepers, but they demand a great deal of attention and specific care. Popular green parrot species include the conure, Quaker parrot, and Indian Ringneck parrot.

Ringneck Parrot Price In India

10. African Grey Parrot

African Grey parrots are very clever and popular as pets due to their ability to mimic sounds and language. They are endemic to West and Central African rainforests and have striking grey feathers and vivid red tails. African Grey parrots want a great deal of care and mental stimulation, as well as nutritious food and frequent veterinarian check-ups.

Parrot Images

History of Parrots

Parrots have been existed for millions of years, with evidence reaching back to the Eocene epoch, some 50 million years ago. Parrots are said to have originated in South America and have subsequently expanded to various regions of the world, including Africa, Asia, and Australia. Animals have played an essential part in human history, serving as companions, emblems of nobility, and even as messengers during times of conflict.

Appearance of Parrots

Parrots are known for their colourful plumage, hooked beaks, and zygodactyl feet (two toes pointing forward and two pointing backwards). Parrots range in size from small parrotlets to gigantic macaws and have a broad range of colours and patterns. Several parrots have crests or other distinguishing traits, such as the African Grey’s scarlet tail or the Cockatoo’s striking crest.

Temperament of Parrot

Parrots are social, intelligent birds with complex personalities. They may be friendly and playful with their owners, but if not properly socialised and cared for, they can also become violent or irritable. Some parrots are self-sufficient and require little attention, whilst others demand extensive engagement and cerebral stimulation. To guarantee a happy and well-adjusted pet, investigate the exact temperament of the species you’re interested in and give suitable training and socialising.

African Grey Parrot Price In India

Behaviour of Parrot

Parrots are known for their unique behaviour, such as their ability to mimic sounds and words, their playful nature, and their strong pair bonds. Parrots are also highly social and thrive on interaction with their owners and other birds. They can become stressed or bored if left alone for long periods and may engage in destructive behaviour or develop health issues. Providing a stimulating environment, regular exercise, and socialization can help ensure a well-behaved and healthy parrot.

Facts about Parrot

There are many facts about parrots, before you buy a parrot you must know about interesting, funny and informational facts

  1. Parrots are highly intelligent and social birds.
  2. There are over 390 different species of parrots in the world.
  3. Parrots can mimic human speech and other sounds, with some species capable of learning hundreds of words.
  4. Parrots have zygodactyl feet, with two toes pointing forward and two pointing backwards.
  5. The largest parrot species is the Hyacinth Macaw, which can weigh up to 4.4 pounds and grow up to 3.3 feet long.
  6. Parrots are found in many different habitats, including rainforests, grasslands, and deserts.
  7. Parrots can live a long time, with some species living up to 80 years or more.
  8. Some parrot species, such as the Kea parrot in New Zealand, are considered endangered due to habitat loss and other factors.
  9. Parrots are popular pets, but they require a lot of care and attention to ensure their health and well-being.
  10. Parrots can be trained to do tricks and perform other behaviours, but this requires patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement.
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Care Tips for Parrot

Parrots are beautiful and intelligent birds that make wonderful pets, but they require a lot of care and attention to ensure their health and well-being. Here are some tips for caring for your parrot:

  1. Get a big cage: Your parrot’s cage should be big enough for him to move freely, spread his wings and play with toys.
  2. Provide a balanced diet: Parrots need a balanced diet that includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, seeds and pellets. Avoid feeding your parrot foods with fat or sugar.
  3. Provide mental stimulation: Parrots are intelligent birds that need mental stimulation to stay healthy and happy. Provide your parrot with toys, puzzles and other forms of enrichment to keep him mentally occupied.
  4. Socialization: Parrots are social animals that need social interaction with their owners and other birds. Spend time socializing with your parrot and consider companionship with another parrot if possible.
  5. Maintain proper hygiene: Parrots need regular bathing or spraying to keep their feathers clean and healthy. Keep the cage and food bowls clean and provide fresh water daily.

Video Credit: Animal Wonders Montana

Health Issues of Parrot

Like all animals, parrots can develop health issues that require veterinary care. Here are some common health issues that can affect parrots:

  1. Feather plucking: Parrots may pluck their feathers due to stress, boredom, or other health issues.
  2. Respiratory infections: Parrots are susceptible to respiratory infections, which can be caused by poor air quality, stress, or exposure to other sick birds.
  3. Psittacosis: Psittacosis is a bacterial infection that can affect parrots and other birds, and can also be transmitted to humans.
  4. Beak and feather disease: Beak and feather disease is a viral infection that can affect parrots, causing feather loss and beak deformities.
  5. Nutritional deficiencies: Parrots require a balanced diet to stay healthy, and deficiencies in certain vitamins and minerals can lead to health issues.

Parrot Lifespan

The lifespan of a parrot varies depending on the species, with some parrots living up to 80 years or more in captivity. Factors such as diet, exercise, and socialization can also affect a parrot’s lifespan. Providing proper care and attention, including a balanced diet, regular exercise, and socialization, can help ensure a long and healthy life for your parrot.

Food for Parrot

Must follow the given below diet or food for good health and happy life for your parrot:

Food TypeExamples
FruitsApples, bananas, grapes, oranges, pears, strawberries
VegetablesBroccoli, carrots, corn, peas, spinach, sweet potatoes
SeedsSunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, millet
PelletsCommercially available parrot pellets
Food for Parrot

10 Names for Parrot

Choose the perfect name for your parrot from the given below table, also comment down your favourite name in the comment box:

10 Names for Parrot

Parrot Video

Video of Parrot to let you understand Parrot care tips, food, lifespan, and other factors. Video Credit: Parrot with me

Conclusion and final words:

In conclusion, parrots are fascinating and intelligent birds that make wonderful pets for those willing to provide them with proper care and attention. Parrot prices in India can vary depending on the type of parrot and the location where it is purchased. It is important to research and understands the factors that affect the price of parrots, as well as the true cost of owning one, to make an informed decision. By following care tips and being aware of potential health issues, parrots can live long and happy lives as beloved members of their families.

Frequently Asked Questions on Parrot:

  1. What do Parrots Eat?

    Parrots eat a variety of foods, including fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, and commercial parrot pellets.

  2. How to Draw a Parrot For Kids?

    To draw a parrot for kids, start with a large oval for the body, a smaller circle for the head, and add details such as a beak, eyes, wings, and tail feathers.

  3. Can Parrots Talk?

    Yes, many parrot species have the ability to mimic and learn human speech, although not all parrots will talk.

  4. How to Identify Male And Female Indian Parrots?

    Male and female Indian parrots can be identified by differences in their physical characteristics, such as the colour of their beaks and the size and shape of their heads and bodies.

  5. What is a Parrot?

    A parrot is a type of bird characterized by its brightly colored feathers, strong beak, and ability to mimic human speech.

  6. Where do Parrots Live?

    Parrots live in a variety of habitats, including rainforests, deserts, and grasslands, primarily in tropical and subtropical regions around the world.

  7. How Long do Parrots Live?

    The lifespan of parrots can vary greatly depending on the species, with some living as long as 80 years or more with proper care.

  8. Do Parrots Eat Chillies?

    Some parrot species do eat chillies in their natural diet, but it is important to ensure that any food offered to pet parrots is safe and appropriate for their specific dietary needs.

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