If you want to buy a Chippiparai dog, do you have any concerns regarding the price? Mostly found in Tamil Nadu, India, the Chippiparai is a rare and historic breed of sighthound. The perfect owner will enjoy having one of these loyal, competent hunters as a friend. It’s important to take into consideration the expense, however, before making the commitment. In this article, we will examine the cost of a Chippiparai dog in India as well as the variables that influence the cost. Also, we will provide you tips on how to negotiate over the price and provide you with an estimation of what a Chippiparai dog really costs to buy. Let’s get started now!

Chippiparai Dog Price In India

Chippiparai Dogs are a popular breed in India, and their price can vary depending on various factors. On average, a purebred Chippiparai Dog can cost between ₹5,000 to ₹15,000, while a mixed breed may be available for less than ₹5,000.

The price may also differ based on the dog’s age, gender, and size. It’s essential to compare prices from different breeders and pet stores before making a purchase to ensure that you get a good deal.

Chippiparai Dog Puppy Price In India

The price of a Chippiparai Dog puppy in India can vary depending on several factors such as the pup’s breed, age, gender, and size. On average, the cost of a Chippiparai Dog puppy in India ranges from ₹3,500 to ₹10,000 for a purebred puppy, while a mixed breed puppy may be available for less than ₹3,000. However, it’s essential to compare prices from different breeders and pet stores to ensure that you get a fair deal on a healthy and high-quality Chippiparai Dog puppy.

Chippiparai Dog Prices In Major Indian Cities

Major Indian cities may have a wide range of costs for Chippiparai Dogs based on supply, demand, and breeder repute, among other things. The estimated costs for Chippiparai Dogs in certain significant Indian cities are as follows:

Chippiparai Dog Price List India
Different LocationsPrices-
Chippiparai Dog Price in Delhi₹5,000 to ₹15,000
Chippiparai Dog Price in Kolkata₹5,000 to ₹15,000
Chippiparai Dog Price in Mumbai₹6,000 to ₹20,000
Chippiparai Dog Price in Agra₹5,000 to ₹15,000
Chippiparai Dog Price in Chennai₹5,000 to ₹20,000
Chippiparai Dog Price in Pune₹5,000 to ₹15,000
Chippiparai Dog Price in Bangalore₹5,000 to ₹15,000
Chippiparai Dog Prices in Hyderabad₹5,000 to ₹18,000
Chippiparai Dog Price in Chandigarh₹7,000 to ₹19,000
Chippiparai Dog Price In India Different Locations

Factors that Affect the price of Chippiparai Dog

The loyalty and unique characteristics of the Chippiparai Dog have made it a favourite breed among dog enthusiasts. Yet, investing in a Chippiparai Dog might be costly because of a number of factors.

First and foremost, the Chippiparai Dog’s pedigree is a major factor in its price. A mixed breed dog could be available for less than ₹5,000, whereas a purebred Chippiparai Dog might cost between ₹5,000 to ₹15,000. The price may also vary according on the dog’s age, gender, and size.

Chippiparai Dog price comparison:

It’s essential to compare the price of Chippiparai Dogs from different breeders and pet stores. Researching online can help you find the best deals and get a sense of the average price range for this breed.

How to negotiate the price of Chippiparai Dog:

Negotiating the price of a Chippiparai Dog is possible if you have done your research and know the market value. You can discuss with the breeder or pet store owner and inquire about any discounts or special deals they may be offering.

The true cost of Owning a Chippiparai Dog:

Before buying a Chippiparai Dog, it’s essential to consider the true cost of ownership. Apart from the initial cost, you should also factor in the expenses for food, grooming, medical care, and training. These costs can add up and significantly impact your budget, so make sure you’re prepared for the financial commitment of owning a Chippiparai Dog.

Chippiparai Dog

The Chippiparai Dog is a sighthound breed that originated in the town of Chippiparai, located in the southern state of Tamil Nadu, India. It is a medium-sized breed with a lean and muscular body, typically weighing between 15-20 kg and standing around 25-30 inches tall.

Known for its loyalty and hunting skills, the Chippiparai Dog was originally bred by the royal families of Tamil Nadu for hunting purposes. It has a short and smooth coat that comes in various shades of fawn and brown. The breed is known for its speed, agility, and endurance, which makes it an excellent hunting dog and companion.

Chippiparai Dog Price

Chippiparai Dogs are intelligent and independent, but they are also known for their gentle and affectionate nature towards their owners. They are generally good with children and other pets, although early socialization and training are necessary to ensure that they get along well with others.

Due to their hunting background and physical abilities, Chippiparai Dogs require regular exercise and a balanced diet to maintain their health and fitness. With proper care and attention, the Chippiparai Dog can make a loyal and loving companion for families and individuals alike.

Video Credit: How Hema

Chippiparai Dog Puppy

A Chippiparai Dog puppy is a young and adorable variant of the Chippiparai breed. They are usually available for purchase from reputable breeders or pet stores. Chippiparai Dog pups require a lot of care and attention, including balanced nutrition, regular exercise, and early socialisation and training to ensure they grow up to be healthy and well-behaved adult dogs. The cost of a Chippiparai Dog puppy varies depending on factors such as breed, age, gender, and region, but it is normally between ₹3,500 to ₹10,000 for a purebred puppy. To find a high-quality puppy that fits your budget and lifestyle, behaviour research and compare prices from different sources.

Types of Chippiparai Dog

There is only one type of Chippiparai Dog breed, and it is recognized by the Kennel Club of India as a purebred dog. However, there may be slight variations in the appearance and temperament of individual dogs within the breed.

Chippiparai Dogs are medium-sized sighthounds with a lean and muscular build, short and smooth coats, and usually, come in various shades of fawn and brown. They are known for their speed, agility, and endurance, making them excellent hunting dogs and loyal companions.

While there may not be different types of Chippiparai Dogs, breeders may focus on specific traits or bloodlines, leading to slight variations in temperament, size, and appearance. However, it’s essential to choose a reputable breeder who focuses on breeding healthy and well-tempered Chippiparai Dogs to ensure that you get a high-quality dog that fits your lifestyle and preferences.

History of Chippiparai Dog

The sighthound breed known as the Chippiparai Dog got its start in the town of Chippiparai in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu, in the south. The breed was largely utilised for deer and wild boar hunting by Tamil Nadu’s royal families. As outstanding hunting partners, Chippiparai Dogs were prized for their speed, agility, and endurance.

Appearance of Chippiparai Dog

The Chippiparai Dog is a medium-sized breed with a lean and muscular body. They typically weigh between 15-20 kg and stand around 25-30 inches tall. They have a short and smooth coat that comes in various shades of fawn and brown. The breed has a long and narrow head, with dark almond-shaped eyes and large, floppy ears.

The Temperament of Chippiparai Dog

Rajapalayam Dog Price

Although they are known for their bravery and hunting ability, Chippiparai Dogs also make wonderful household pets. They are capable, self-sufficient, and loyal to their owners.

Although early socialisation and training are important to ensure they get along with others, they are often excellent with kids and other animals. Being energetic animals, Chippiparai Dogs require daily exercise to maintain their health and happiness.

The behaviour of Chippiparai Dog

Chippiparai Dogs are highly active and require regular exercise to maintain their health and well-being. They are excellent runners and need plenty of space to stretch their legs. They are independent and may have a strong prey drive, so it’s essential to keep them on a leash when outside. With proper care and attention, Chippiparai Dogs can make loyal and loving companions for families and individuals alike.

Pros and Cons of Chippiparai Dogs

It’s important to remember that each dog is an individual, and these pros and cons may vary based on the dog’s personality, health, and upbringing. Therefore, it’s crucial to research and consider all factors before deciding if a Chippiparai Dog is the right breed for you, Some Pros and Cons of Chippiparai Dogs are:

Loyal and protective of their ownersMay have a strong prey drive
Excellent hunting skillsRequire regular exercise and outdoor space
Intelligent and independentCan be challenging to train and socialize
Generally good with childrenMay not be suitable for apartment living
Low grooming requirementsMay suffer from separation anxiety
Good health and long lifespanProne to hip dysplasia and other health issues

Facts about Chippiparai Dog

Here are some interesting facts about Chippiparai Dogs:

  1. Chippiparai Dogs are sighthounds that have been used for centuries in India for hunting wild boar, deer, and other small game.
  2. They are primarily found in the state of Tamil Nadu, where they are also known as “Indian greyhounds.”
  3. Chippiparai Dogs are one of the few remaining purebred dogs that are still used for hunting in India.
  4. They are known for their speed, agility, and stamina, and can run at high speeds for extended periods.
  5. The breed has a short and smooth coat that requires minimal grooming.
  6. Chippiparai Dogs are loyal and protective of their owners and make excellent watchdogs.
  7. They are generally healthy and have a lifespan of 12-15 years.
  8. Chippiparai Dogs are independent and can be challenging to train, so early socialization and obedience training are crucial.
  9. They have a strong prey drive and may not be suitable for households with smaller pets.
  10. The breed is recognized by the Kennel Club of India and is becoming increasingly popular as a family pet in India and other parts of the world.

Care Tips for Chippiparai Dog

Caring for a Chippiparai dog requires some effort and attention, but with the right care, your dog can live a healthy and happy life. Here are some tips for caring for Chippiparai dogs:

  1. Diet: Feed your dog a balanced diet that contains high-quality protein and essential nutrients. Avoid overeating as Chippiparai dogs are prone to obesity.
  2. Exercise: Chippiparai dogs are active dogs and need regular exercise to maintain physical and mental health. Take your dog for a daily walk or run and provide plenty of opportunities to play and explore.
  3. Training: The breed’s short coat requires little maintenance, but it is still important to brush the dog regularly to remove loose hair and mattify the surface.
  4. Training and Socialization: Early training and socialization are crucial for Chippiparai dogs. Start training your dog as soon as possible and expose him to different people, animals and environments so that he adapts and behaves well.
Chippiparai Dog Price, Kanni Dog Price, Caravan Hound Dog

Health Issues of Chippiparai Dog

While Chippiparai Dogs are generally healthy dogs, they are prone to certain health issues. Here are some common health problems that can affect Chippiparai Dogs:

  1. Hip dysplasia: This is a genetic condition that affects the hip joint and can cause pain, stiffness, and mobility issues.
  2. Eye problems: Chippiparai Dogs are prone to eye problems such as cataracts and progressive retinal atrophy, which can lead to blindness.
  3. Ear infections: The breed’s floppy ears can trap moisture and bacteria, leading to ear infections.
  4. Bloat: Chippiparai Dogs can be prone to bloat, a life-threatening condition that occurs when the stomach fills with gas and twists on itself.
  5. Tick-borne diseases: Chippiparai Dogs are at risk for tick-borne diseases such as ehrlichiosis and Lyme disease, which can cause fever, joint pain, and other symptoms.

Chippiparai Dog Lifespan

The average lifespan of a Chippiparai Dog is 12-15 years. However, the lifespan can vary depending on various factors such as diet, exercise, genetics, and overall health. To help your dog live a long and healthy life, make sure to provide them with proper care, nutrition, and regular veterinary check-ups.

Food for Chippiparai Dog

When it comes to feeding your Chippiparai Dog, it’s important to choose a high-quality diet that meets their nutritional needs. Here are some food options for Chippiparai Dogs:

Food TypeDescription
Dry FoodDry kibble is a convenient and affordable option.
Wet FoodWet food can provide additional moisture and flavour.
Raw FoodRaw food diets can be beneficial but require careful preparation and balancing.
Homemade FoodHomemade food can be a healthy and personalized option but requires careful planning and preparation.
Food for Chippiparai Dog

Names for Chippiparai Dog

Choosing a name for your Chippiparai Dog can be a fun and exciting process. Here are some name suggestions for Chippiparai Dogs:

Name Suggestions
Names for Chippiparai Dog

Chippiparai Dog Video

Video of Chippiparai Dog to let you understand Chippiparai Dog care tips, food, lifespan, and other factors. Video Credit: E7 Media


Finally, the price of a Chippiparai Dog in India might vary depending on several factors, including region, breeder, dog quality, and ancestry. To ensure you get a healthy and well-bred Chippiparai Dog, conduct extensive research and choose a reliable breeder. While the initial cost of a Chippiparai Dog may appear to be excessive, keep in mind that keeping a dog comes with extra costs such as food, grooming, and medical care. Finally, bringing a Chippiparai Dog into your house should be based on your capacity to give them a happy and healthy existence, not merely on their price tag.

Frequently Asked Questions on Chippiparai Dog:

  1. What is a Chippiparai Dog?

    A Chippiparai Dog is a breed of sighthound that originated in the southern part of India. They are known for their speed, agility, and hunting skills.

  2. How much does a Chippiparai Dog cost in India?

    The price of a Chippiparai Dog in India can range from around Rs. 5,000 to Rs. 50,000 or more, depending on factors such as location, breeder, quality, and lineage.

  3. What is the lifespan of a Chippiparai Dog?

    The average lifespan of a Chippiparai Dog is around 10-12 years, though, with proper care and nutrition, they can live longer.

  4. What is the temperament of a Chippiparai Dog?

    Chippiparai Dogs are known for their loyalty, courage, and independence. They can be reserved with strangers, but are generally good with children and other pets.

  5. What are some common health issues in Chippiparai Dogs?

    Chippiparai Dogs are generally healthy but may be prone to certain health issues such as hip dysplasia, skin allergies, and bloat. It’s important to provide them with regular veterinary care and a healthy diet to prevent and manage these issues.

  6. Do Chippiparai Dogs require a lot of exercises?

    Yes, Chippiparai Dogs are highly active and require regular exercise and playtime to stay happy and healthy. They do well with daily walks, runs, or play sessions in a secure, fenced area.

  7. Are Chippiparai Dogs easy to train?

    Chippiparai Dogs are intelligent but can be stubborn and independent-minded. They require patient and consistent training with positive reinforcement methods to be successful.

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